Book clubs in ahmedabad

Book Clubs in Ahmedabad That Every Bookworm Should Visit

Ahmedabad is developing fast; this gorgeous city is now considered one of the best places to live in India. In our journey to find book clubs across the nation,we halted here and its dedication to spread the love for reading impressed us. Here’s an overview of the book clubs you can check out:

Ahmedabad Book Club

Despite its fairly young age (established in 2012), the Ahmedabad Book Club has quickly gained popularity and is considered today as the city’s most high-profile book club. Founded by Priyanshi Patel, thisclub has attracted over 3,000 people from all walks of life to share the love of reading. As long as you love reading and enjoy discussing it, you are welcome to be a member.This club takes its slogan, “the knowledge platform” seriously, and is known for holding three hour-long discussions and thought-provoking conversation. Meet-ups happen once a month on a selected Sunday and can house around 25 people. Members who are unable to attend these events can easily catch up on the conversation through the club’s robust online presence on Twitter and Facebook.


Could there be a cooler name for a book club? Satori,which means’a state of awareness,’ is one of the most happening book clubs in Ahmedabad. Started by then 19-year-old student Ranjani Sastry in 2009, the club has expanded drastically through word-of-mouth. It invites budding poets, storytellers and writers of all ages and conducts sessions once a month on a Sunday, throwing around ideas and discussing the latest books. Satori’s book discussions are open to any genre and language, giving its members the freedom to express their creativity in each session.

Pustakni Parab

One of the most happening programs across Gujarat, Pustak ni Parab started off in 2013 as a means for Gujaratis to accessbooks written in the local languages easily. This is essentiallya ’library on wheels’—PustakniParab is spread across thirteencities inGujarat and it invites the locals to share and borrow books for free. This initiative stresses on the importance of the local language by promoting books written by the state’s most celebrated authors and poets. It attracts a mass audience who form a meet-up on the open grounds around the moving library, as and when it approaches each locality.

British Council Ahmedabad

Regarded as the best place to tweak your English language skills, the British Council has established itself across the major cities in India. The British Council’s Book Club meet-ups are conducted in _an organised manner and it requests members to be well-prepared before every scheduled meet-up. Discussions are carried out in detail, covering every aspect of a particular book, right from plot development to writing style. Meet-ups happen on one Sunday every month with the choice of the book to be read, made by the host.

Amdavad National Book Fair

You can’t celebrate literature better than through a book fair—Ahmedabad keeps its book lovers happy by hosting an annual Amdavad National Book Fair. Apart from setting up book stalls and a grand exhibition, the fair invites the best local literary talent and gives them a platform to show case their skills. Activities like storytelling sessions, book donations, a free library and workshops of all-things-literature take place in the first week of May.

Here’s to those who have started their very own book clubs—are you finding it hard to maintain quorum or engage the audience in a productive discussion? Here are some pointers to improve the club’s meetings:

  • Start with a small number of attendeesDon’t be in a rush to contact every Tom, Dick and Harry in your phonebook. Start your book club with a small group of people who you believe will be actively involved in book discussion sessions. Keeping the numbers small ensures that you never get hassled with miscommunication or inadequate number of people who turn up for meetings.
  • Pick a genre for the month
  • While choosing a book to debate about,stick to the formula of picking a genre for the entire month and hold a discussion based on that genre alone. It is best you prepare a check-list and decide the possible genres your group would enjoy reading.
  • Select a medium of communication
  • Book club meet-ups work well if you have a strong medium of communication. Either create a Facebook page, a WhatsApp group or send e-mails to the members to keep them updated on the latest news and happenings in the literature world, as well as updates on your next meet-up.
  • Select a regular hangout zone
  • Choosing a spot for your meet-up is crucial as it can make or break the overall experience of a good session. Try picking a peaceful spot like a cafe, a bookstore or a park to conduct the meeting.Try to fix that place as your permanent hangout zone, since it will be easier for your club members to convene on time for a session.
  • Do more than just read
  • Your club meet-ups don’t always have to be about books. Keep your members engaged by going out for movies or a meal.Ask the members to provide suggestions to have an enjoyable day.

Our search for book clubs across the nation continues, so while we’re busy on our toes, you could also check out our list of books to read while on a holiday.

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Aishwarya Mukundarajan

Aishwarya is an MBA graduate from Symbiosis International University, Pune. When asked what her hobbies are she points to an overflowing bookcase.

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