Protagonist and Antagonist Explained

There are two main types of characters in any story: protagonists, and antagonists. Each one has a specific role to play, and if you want to write a compelling story, you need to understand how each one works. Protagonists are the good guys. They’re the ones who drive the story forward, and their goal is always to achieve something positive. Antagonists are the bad guys. Their goal is always to stop ...

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A guide to understanding what is a metaphor

What is a Metaphor- A Guide for Writers

Metaphors are some of the most powerful tools in a writer's arsenal. They can be used to make an idea more concrete, to create images that linger in the reader's mind long after they've finished reading, and to add nuance and depth to a story. But how do you use them effectively? And what is a metaphor, exactly? In this article, we'll explore these questions and more. We'll start by discussing ...

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Writing Lessons from Ruskin Bond

Ruskin Bond On Writing: Lessons to learn from the Maverick Author

If you're a young and aspiring writer, there are few people better to learn from than Ruskin Bond. The maverick author has been writing for over six decades now, and his work is marked by simplicity and clarity that can be hard to find in today's literary world. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the lessons that Bond has to offer about the writing process. Why you should ...

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Guide to Editing a Nonfiction Book

“The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads.” Dr Seuss   Nonfiction usually begins with an epic idea that flows unimpeded from your mind. You write pages and pages, pouring your mind and heart into a story you want to share with the world. Before you know it, you have a book that maps out your experiences into a sublime text!    But, apart ...

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Guide to Becoming Successful Instagram Poets

Instagram began as a convenient app that allows people to share memories in the form of photographs. Its square-grid format instantly became popular. It rapidly grew into a platform that combines photos, micro-blogging, and instant messaging. But, in recent years, Instagram poets have turned into social media megastars by using this platform to share free-format poetry. Names such as Rupi Kaur, Atticus, r.m. drake, Nayyirah Waheed, and Lang Leav come ...

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Guide to Publishing your Poetry Book

Many years ago, famous poets such as T.S Elliot and Wallace Stevens took on a bevy of odd jobs before they became legendary poets. Back in the 1900s opting for a career as a poet instantly made you the laughing stock of your group. As a result, it was impossible to earn your bread and butter by writing poetry. The idea of publishing your poetry book was rare. But, in ...

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Ultimate Guide to Publish a Fiction Book

Fiction books help you travel the world without moving an inch from your home. They propel the reader’s imagination and make for an ideal means of escapism! The power of fiction books creates unparalleled narratives.    Writing a story that you want to share with the world is not an easy task. It takes time and effort. Once you have penned a story that you are proud of, the next crucial step ...

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days

The idea of writing an entire book from start to finish can seem like one of the most challenging tasks any writer has faced in their life. So much so that most of them give up even before they get started. And a majority of them, who push through their initial inhibitions, gradually start losing their motivation at some point due to a poor execution plan. Let's be honest, writing ...

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Notion Press helps you write your book

The question writers are most afraid of, and probably are asked all the time – how's the writing going? It is, after all, the toughest part of publishing a book. You can ask any author, and the answer is usually the same. Writing is the hardest part. Our main goal at Notion Press is to make publishing an accessible, enjoyable and easy process for authors. And since writing is where it ...

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Facebook groups for authors

5 Groups Every Aspiring Author Needs To Be Part Of

For all you aspiring authors out there, writing an entire book from start to finish can be extremely challenging and quite taxing especially if you are doing it all on your own. There will inevitably be moments where you struggle to keep up the motivation levels, whether you are dealing with a writer’s block,  require a fresh perspective or just need to make sense of the ideas in your head. ...

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How to format your book using Microsoft Word

A book is hard to follow when there is no structure.  That is why the book must be properly formatted, with its interiors, the font, spacing, its title and structure all in place. The Notion Press platform offers an interior design tool with which you can format your book easily and make it ready for publishing. In case you have a finished manuscript, you can copy and paste the manuscript ...

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How to format your book using the DIY Publishing Platform

A good book must make for an enjoyable read. Imagine a case where a paragraph reads like this:  Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend,   and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry."  Annoying, right? This is why the interior of your book needs to be designed wisely. This is where most authors find themselves in a fix. Designing the interiors and the cover of ...

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How to design your book cover using the DIY Publishing Platform

People still judge a book by its cover. And that is why we have added an easy-to-use cover design tool in our free DIY platform. Creating a cover may seem like a professional designer’s task and that is true, when you need illustrations and when you have no idea what your cover needs to look like. But if you have an idea and a few stock photos that you would ...

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How to Publish your Book for free using DIY Publishing Platform

For most authors, getting a book published seems as daunting a task as writing it. We believe that publishing a book should be easy and not something that deters writers from completing their books. We are always looking for ways to make the publishing process easier, faster and more accessible, and that is why we launched the DIY Publishing platform. You can use the DIY publishing platform to write, design, ...

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A Beginner's Guide to Publishing Terms

A Beginner’s Guide to Publishing Terms

Certain publishing terms can be confusing when encountered for the first time. Here is a guide for you to understand what they mean. With the advent of the internet, people began consuming content in unbelievable proportions. The more information they consumed, the more they shared. Millions of people found multiple platforms to showcase their writings, musings and experiences – this was shared and read by others.For the longest time, book publishing was a ...

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writing tips

How to Write Better- Must Follow Tips

Here’s a strange but true thing about writing- it’s an art form that can never quite be described as perfect. Like any other art form, writing comes in multiple styles and presentations, so one can never truly judge one style as better than another. However, for us writers, the perspective is different; we look at writing as something that has to be perfect before it is allowed to go public. ...

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publish an ebook

How to publish an eBook in India?

The digital revolution is taking place in almost every sector in the world, including the publishing industry. Traditional forms of books will always remain and gain an immense love for readers and writers alike. However, eBooks, in a very short time have gained tremendous attention and popularity. Are you an aspiring writer waiting to step into the world of publishing? Fear not, eBooks are a great way to start off ...

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why you should write

How to Write and Publish a Short Story

Short stories are one of the most undervalued and underrated forms of writing. They can be used to explore a range of emotions and ideas in a way that longer pieces can’t, and they often make for more powerful and memorable reading experiences. But writing a successful short story is not easy. It requires a lot of skill, craft, and hard work. In this article, we’re going to take you through ...

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