NP Recommends Week #26 – Life Hacks 101

Sometimes going through life can be a little bit of a roller coaster. There are many ups and just as many downs as we journey through the high and low points. So this week on NP Recommends our editors have handpicked some of our best Self Help books. No matter where you are at in life, no matter what beliefs you have about yourself, these books are for you.
You can use our Read Instantly platform to begin reading these books online even as your physical copy makes its way to your doorstep. Here is a list of books you cannot miss.


Secret of Success and a Happy Heart

Vikas Chadha

An admirably practical and useful book. Vikas’s agglomeration of knowledge and proven on-ground experience makes this an entrancing read. All age groups should read this book to face challenges in life boldly. This storytelling format used by the author to explain the secret of success is truly engrossing. Click here to read instantly.

How to Develop a ‘Never Give up’ Attitude

Dr Hardik Joshi

Not everyone born on Earth is successful. Success comes to those who pursue their goal with persistence, purpose and dedication. They are the ones who can convert their dreams to reality. They never give up on their dreams, no matter what the odds are.

Enriched with simple techniques and stories, this book is a practical guide to developing the attitude to stay strong, confident and committed in the journey towards achieving one’s dream. Click here to read instantly.

Secrets of Divine Love


Secrets of Divine Love draws upon spiritual secrets of the Qur’an, ancient mystical poetry, and stories from the world’s greatest prophets and spiritual masters to help you reignite your faith, overcome your doubts and deepen your connection with God. Through the use of scientific evidence, practical exercises, and guided meditations, you will develop the tools and awareness needed to discern and overcome the cynical inner critic that prevents you from experiencing God’s all-encompassing love. The passages in this book serve as a compass and guiding light that returns you to the source of divine peace and surrender. Through the principles and practices of Islam, you will learn how to unlock your spiritual potential and unveil your divine purpose. Secrets of Divine Love uses a rational, yet heart-based approach towards the Qur’an that not only enlightens the mind but inspires the soul towards more profound intimacy with God. Click here to read instantly.

Move Your Cheese

Mandeep Singh

The author is an Army veteran who has experienced change and uncertainty for close to three and a half decades in the Olive Greens. He began to prepare a life outside the Army well before he hung up his uniform and now charts his own course in the civvies street. His book confronts the overwhelming change of pace that life has to offer and how to tackle it.  Click here to read instantly.

How to unleash your true potential


In a fast-paced life, we are living in right now; we often forget to give ourselves apt time. In a lifestyle hugely driven by rush, it’s quite reasonable to see people break down slowly. What goes missing? A mentor and a guide who would listen to your problems and help you solve them. We keep looking for that guide in the form of motivational articles, books or speeches and sooner or later it fizzes out. This is where we need to change. We need to understand that we all are a source of infinite potential, and there is nothing you should seek outside of yourself to guide you. This book aims to do the same to help you grow inside out. This compilation of various motivational chapters gives a new meaning to multiple life lessons and how you should deal with it. Click here to read instantly.



We hope you enjoyed the list! Catch you next Monday to explore more books!

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