How Personal Branding Can Change Your Life & Career

Have you Googled yourself? 

If yes, what pops up first? 

Are you satisfied with the way you are perceived online?

Does it align well and stay consistent with the information that you share across your social platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook?

These search results have the potential to shape the first impression that people have of you. Be it a job interview or a date, the odds of someone looking you up online, with hopes of learning more about you, is almost inevitable.

First things first, what is Personal Branding?

While the term “branding” was exclusively reserved for businesses in the pre-digital era, today, a Personal Brand is a unique combination of valuable skills and knowledge coupled with experiences that make you who you are. 

It is how you choose to present yourself to the world. 

A second chance at making a great first impression is impossible. Therefore, make it one that will set you apart from the crowd, help you build trust and reflect who you are and what you stand for.

Building up a personal brand has unlimited benefits, both professionally as well as personally, and is the gateway that can help open many doors for you in the future. 

Why is it important now?

With the proliferation of social media, backed up by a booming gig economy, Personal Branding has become an essential for everyone irrespective of their motive, and embracing and devising it to your advantage is vital, now more than ever.

You don’t have to create a great personal brand like Oprah. Yet, all you have to do is take the initiative to continually craft and curate your digital presence with authenticity. 

It is your transparently, honesty, and unique story that will differentiate you in the long-run. 


  • It sets you apart by a mile


It has become popular for recruiters to use the power of social media to filter their interviewees before bringing them in. According to a CareerBuilder survey conducted in 2018, 70% of employers use the information that they find on social platforms to screen candidates during the hiring process. Additionally, it was also found that 43% of employers used the same technique to keep close tabs on their current employees. 


  • Be the thought leader you always hoped to be


From an employee’s perspective, personal branding is significantly beneficial for business. When employees are given the opportunity to represent their company in public, they are not only providing their organization with the exposure that it needs but also building their own unique brand. They can help acquire new clients and customers while retaining existing ones when they are perceived as trustworthy thought leaders. 


  • Gets you ahead of the gig economy 


In today’s ever-changing, thriving gig economy, an average individual switches jobs every 2 – 3 years while a significant portion of any country’s workforce comprises of freelancers and contract workers. To communicate who you are and to stand out to prospective clients and employers, it is essential that you effectively manage your online reputation before running the risk of losing out on business. 


  • Leads you to valuable opportunities through connections


A strong and compelling personal brand will lead you to a multitude of opportunities such as job interviews, internships, speaking engagements, networking opportunities, promotions, partnerships, and so much more! By helping you accomplish any number of goals, both professional and personal, it will push the boundaries of your life and career remarkably. 


  • Develops trust in your audience and builds your credibility


Ever wondered why influencer advertising is so successful? Many people, specifically those of the millennial generation, do not trust large corporations that utilize traditional advertising. The general audience is much more likely to hear out and buy from someone who they can relate to as opposed to a large entity. Therefore, businesses that build a brand on a personal front are guaranteed to inspire trust amongst their audience. 

That is all well and good, but where and how do I begin?

To be candid, it begins with learning to become indispensable and uniquely useful, by upgrading yourself, by becoming YOU 3.0! 

YOU 3.0 by Notion Press Publishing provides invaluable insights on staying relevant and surviving the harshest storm; it equips you with the power of distinction. Written by Anand Tamboli and Amit Dangle, this handbook delves into explaining proven strategies for achieving your goals with self-discovery and personal branding. 

More importantly, this book handholds you while amplifying your original persona for everybody’s benefit, explains why visibility is the new norm, and how to regain control over attracting favourable decisions. It also informs you when it’s appropriate to go against the norms. 

Ultimately, it is the uniqueness and authenticity of your brand that will earn you invaluable opportunities in your life and career. 

Click here to grab your copy of YOU 3.0 by Anand Tamboli and Amit Dangle in print and e-book format at the Notion Press Bookstore, and amongst leading e-commerce portals such as Amazon and Flipkart.


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