By Suchismita Ghoshal in Poetry
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I always prefer walking by the road

rather than on the two-wheelers which roar;

Far away from the agony of city chaos,

I find the bliss in nature’s abode.

His love traces the warmth in the bed

out of my tender palms;soft & cheering

& giggles while see me blushing.

Roads are long; full of charm & glee,

I eagerly pray to time to never flee.

I never desired more than a tale of solace,

free of travesties & full of love’s embrace.

He promises me to break the barriers

Of abashment, unease & fragility;

& shower me with the droplets hail from

the depth of dark sea; & I wonder how

he embodies such strength in my glee.

Enchantment never lies in the parks

where crowd stands with goggling eyes

& embarrassment smirks with pride,

barring the coalescence of souls.

The flames in our passion ignites more,

where the heart feels it from its core.

My love for ordinary never fades,

he knows it well & fastens a ring

made of a flower & gives me wings.

It glistens in my finger with its aura,

precious & auspicious more than a diamond.

I like the proximity nature gifts us with,

& the harmony free of any impudence.

His silence always leaves a mystery,

more ancient & colder than a chapter of history.

His calmed look invades my heart

piercing through the molten secrets

& reads my unbloomed notions of inclinings.

Holding his hands never gives me such shiver,

which I am sucking now with my numb veins.

Springs are delicious with the essence of pickle,

tastes sweet & sour tingled with its chuckle.

He flips my hair & keeps the tufts aside

behind my ears; those strands are well behaved

& more obedient with the touch of his healing tips,

& complains to my ears to be like him.

I see him staring at my lips with a palpable desire,

slowly nearing towards my breathe.

He kisses my lips gently like a petal of rose,

without any hurry & worry in his head;

he injects his sustainable love within my heart

smudging the read stains from my lips.

I can feel the human world is standing still,

removing the cynical & barbaric snaps of mind.

In every corner of the scenic scenery,

I can find the flow of your charm blissful &,

breathless I try to capture each moment passing.

The ears of my soul are mostly heedless,

to the dissonance of the tunes nonrhythmic,

& catches the harmony in your honeyed voice.

You slowly take my hand to enlace it

with yours; then lift your head in my lap

I see you sleeping like a child to my utter peace.

I have seen the love never fulfilled soul’s urge

& now I feel the absolute fulfillment drowning

in his eyes,-all those left behind neither

governing over my mind nor insisting my heart

to wrap the overpossive thoughts in arms.

I want to leave the hustle & bustle of city life

to follow the remoteness crawling under my feet

& loving me with the promises of solace’s eternity.


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