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369 Manifesting Journal 369 Method for Manifestation of Your Dreams and Law of Attraction Guided Workbook to Attract Wealth, Happiness, Love, and Abundance.

Author Name: Katy Denny Madisson | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

Are you seeking happiness and believing that you deserve more from life? The powerful 369 manifestation technique and the Law of Attraction are the key to creating the life of your dreams.
You may use the 369 Method to materialize everything you want, including love, career success, project success, or even weight loss since your thoughts determine who you are.
With the help of this manifestation notebook, you may learn how to apply the 369 technique and improve your capacity for manifestation. You can have everything you desire, including success, love, happiness, prosperity, and more. 
Writing your manifestation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening is Method 369. Why are we presenting it in this manner? This approach works because the numbers 3, 6, and 9 indicate unity with the Divine. 3, 6, and 9 represent vibration, frequency, and energy respectively. Three fundamental factors govern the universe: energy, frequency, and vibration.
This manifestation journal gives you easy-to-use pages that concisely, rationally, and clearly explain the 369 technique. 
Included in this journal are the following:
- Description of the 369 methods,
- Instructions for its use,
- The essentials of a successful manifestation,
- Guided and easy-to-complete pages,
- 114 pages with a beautiful cover!
- Extra-large 8.5 x 11 in.
The time is now to reach your greatest potential!
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Katy Denny Madisson

Books for children and adults by Katy Denny Madisson are of the highest quality and are entertaining as well as educational. Through engaging activities, our books foster creativity, learning, and relaxation.



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