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A Prolonged Passage and other Poems

Author Name: Raghavendra Nayak | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

A Prolonged Passage and Other Poems is a connection of the old/new ways for place, space, based poetry as a wild which serve as a transmitted information and likely revert a message of the prolonged passages in author’s life from the countryside to the concert world. A Prolonged Passage likely senses the meeting of changed-past and the present practiced-performances. The poetry highlights of ecological performances and natural wonders of time and place. Saying is a quite easy in the modern ways, but accounting and adjusting inhabitants’ life in the human world is too hard to rectify and restore the old ways. However, the text enacts a web of network between a real sense and a real world. The author meticulously invites his readers to open up with fairly and frankly by opening the doors of verse in the readers’ mind. It shares a common vision: a rediscovery of rendered place, lives, land, and some individual eco-ways by which we might become natives of the place and part of the endangered species on earth. 



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Raghavendra Nayak

Raghavendra Nayak is an author of Holding the Real Work: Ecology, Environment and Literature. He currently works as an Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of English, Government First Grade College, Manvi, Raichur Dist and Karnataka State. He was awarded Ph.D Ffrom the Pondicherry University [a Central University], Puducherry, India. He has four and half years of research work experience in the Department of English, School of Humanities and Languages, Pondicherry University [a Central University], Puducherry and four years of teaching experiences at the UG level. He has published many poetry, research papers and articles in National, International and UGC-Care listed journals and Peer-Reviewed journals. Apart from writings and research works, he has given several invited talks at College level, National and International conferences, seminars and webinars. 

