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Agamani The Arrival of Devi

Author Name: Rupasree Ghosh | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

My poetry is spontaneous, more like a gentle hill stream flowing with zest through hills and dales, gathering memories and stories woven around rustic hamlets or urban life, of simple folks, often combating harsh realities and tricky turns of fate.

My repertoire here is a novel and experimentative form, a fusion of poetry and tale, so much like a ballad but sans its definite rhyme and metre, short stories narrated with a poetic mind, in blank verse, yet lyrical and contemplative.

My women, be it Sunaiyana, Nivedita, or Suryamukhi, are not merely passive protagonists. They are women of flesh and blood picked from various paths of life, struggling for survival in an existential world fraught with ego, chauvinism, indifference, or meaningless violence.

Poetry came to me as naturally as the North wind that blows with the arrival of winter and I delved into this world as early as eleven years of age. That little girl writing limericks later grew up to write blank verses on varied themes of love, heartbreak, and the like. Gradually, as life flowed on, she matured and so did her writeups.



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Rupasree Ghosh

Rupasree Ghosh was born in the buzzing city of Kolkata and her life blossomed amidst two adorable people, her father and mother, who have always encouraged and motivated her to follow her heart in whatever she did in life. Her maternal uncle, an academician with immense knowledge in Economics and English, was her constant guide and philosopher and it's he who first sowed the seed of creative writing in her. She remains indebted to each of them who left an indelible mark on her poetic journey.

With the constant motivation and support of her better-half and encouragement from friends, she finally embarked on this new journey as a poetess and author of her first anthology.

Completing her graduation and postgraduation in English literature from the much-esteemed Jadavpur University, Kolkata, she took up a job as a teacher in her alma mater. This didn't last long but her short stint as a teacher and guide of young minds again helped to mould a mind eager to learn and absorb like a sponge. 

She is an avid reader of both poetry and fiction and her favourites include T.S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway Roald Dahl, Jhumpa Lahiri among many others.

