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Dying love

Author Name: Mehul Agarwal & Gunjan Mehta | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

"So he knew she was

There and so he knew,

She was his. All of this,

Together. All of this,

Alone. Alone but together.

Only the two of them."

They met when she dribbled the ball away from him, along with his heart and all his senses.

Their love was blooming – like a flower in spring.

But then came the black raging storm in the form of a black vehicle.

Memories lost, he was thrown back into the known world, just that it was unknown to him.

Will their love survive this storm?

Even if it does, will their love be free of the rain?



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Mehul Agarwal & Gunjan Mehta

Mehul Agarwal and Gunjan Mehta are both students from Calcutta. Dying Love is their debut novel.

He's fire, she's gasoline. Their love is explosive, which isn't meant to be extinguished.

They decided to write this book keeping this quote in mind. And then the pen kissed the paper to give birth to a poem.

And it was in the few pages that they lived there forever.

