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Feelings Untouched

Author Name: Samrin Nisha S | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

You will never know who will pick up your book and words and we dont know from which part of the world they will read it. Keeping that in mind we have designed this anthology _Feelings Untouched_ in a most exciting way. It is a wonderful collection of writings written by various authors across the world.

The readers will witness the writer's deepest tears, unsaid thoughts, and emotions, which they have poured out in the form of words in these pages



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Samrin Nisha S

Samrin Nisha.S is another person who is encouraged by herself. She is much curious in her writing. She loves to pen her feelings and attitudes through her writing. In her writing there is an invisible message to the spectators. Her thought processing is to make people value the things before it goes out of their hands. She has been received various prizes for the intercollegiate competitions for her excellence in Creative Writing & poetry. She is a person who would love to look back at her writings & feel happy for what she is in the future. She is the one who stands for herself in every situation. Her devotion for writing opened up her mind to a better view of life that made her to start her writing career in her mother language too.



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