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Only You A Collection of Romantic Poetry

Author Name: Mia Sanchez | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

“But I want to write poetry

Describing her beautiful soul

So the world can fall for her

As easily I had done for years.”

Only You is a poetry collection about unrequited love, expressing my love for someone for whom no words will be enough to explain.

It has poems about the magical moments of falling in love with her and the unavoidable suffering. Poems I wrote to make the world understand her beauty and everything that made her perfect in my eyes.

I hope these poems show that love can be pleasantly exquisite - even when it sometimes inflicts immense pain. Some poems showcase a perfect love story, while others show the pain often hidden beneath the happiness. They are all about love. Not the perfect kind of love, but the one that is real.



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Mia Sanchez

Mia is a software developer by profession and a writer by passion. She loves spending her free time near the ocean and believes that music is the best thing in the world.

She has plenty of interest in writing tragic tales and poems that tug at the reader’s heartstrings. She currently works in TCS, and her work is available on social platforms like WordPress, Wattpad, and Instagram. Her goal is to publish writings that make people fall in love with tragic stories once again.

