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Poetical Mess

Author Name: Agam Sachdeva | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

This is an anthology based on open theme with open genre to invade our writers’ creativity. The title of the book, POETICAL MESS was an idea of when I wrote a poem on the same title which gave me a thought that we poets express ourselves in a poetical manner and we are all messy, who why not compile a book by this name!?

With every kind of emotion in life we have, it's a collection of it written by different writers. They have all expressed it in their own languages. On reading their thoughts, it gives birth to entirety pure feelings and gestures which build the strength and give inner peace.

This anthology is a collection of generic thoughts either expressed in the form of poetry, open letter, story, prose, quote and more based on their emotions of their life and imaginary world every human has.



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Agam Sachdeva

She is an extremely talented girl who is just 14 years and has been a co-author in more than 150 anthologies and has compiled 3 anthologies, in a process to do more. She has been into this writing field since 3 years and her writings are adored by a thousand people. She loves expressing herself in the form of writing. She has a jolly nature and is kind hearted. She is also working as the Co-founder of Stalwart Publication, Founder of a writing community named Shining Stars, an affiliate of Stalwart Publication. She is someone everyone loves being around, she has a spark which attracts people to work more and more with her and her writings have made her reach higher heights. She loves penning down her feeling and sharing them. She wants to change the world in a manner where there is every kind of emotion, she sometimes also become moral support for people in order to advise them, at a very young age she has experienced a lot and people often contact her for advices, she tries helping everyone in the best way possible.

You can contact her on Instagram @storyteller_agam or email her at



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