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Reels of Emotion A collection of free verse (poetry)

Author Name: Susmita Dey | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Reels of Emotion is a collection of free verse of myriad emotions depicting love, agony and miracles of life. This writer encapsulates these emotions in our daily life and presents it in enchanting free verse



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Susmita Dey

Susmita Dey is a free spirited writer ,mother and profesisnal,who celebrates the joys of life with utmost gusto. She is a MBA in International Business  with experience in Media & Entertainment and done  stints with  Tata , Reliance, UTV , Amazon. She has been working in the business of  curating, creating and distributing content  in traditional and digital platforms.  She has travelled across the world to undertand the connect and viewership for Indian content in different platforms. Writing is her passion and she has been capturing her thoughts in her personal blogs for couple of years now. Reels of Emotion is her first published collection of free verse.  

