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Author Name: Sameeksha Pimple | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Shouganai is “it is what it is”. It also means “it cannot be helped”, it expresses acceptance of a bad situation or defeatism. Normalise the essence of acceptance and the act of moving on. Different phases sort in copious lifestyles are compiled in here. Our poets have indeed presented an excellent work. Shouganai is a key of expressing, and so are poetry in Shouganai. Shouganai has its own way of having a journey. Wish you readers an aesthete journey with Shouganai.



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Sameeksha Pimple

Sameeksha is 17 years old. She is from Mumbai, India. She loves writing, traveling, reading and learning new creative things. She loves decorating journals. It’s going great since she have started writing poems and articles. Reading books has always been her hobby. She began writing for herself in diaries and eventually connected to an anthology. The poems written by her will make you imagine every moment written in it. She also appreciate readers not just because she loves reading but also because it’s said that a reader lives thousands of lives before he/she dies.She believes in living on the aspects of - “INK-INNOVATION-INSPIRATION”. She desires that the colours in her imagination paints her writing!Instagram :- @moonkrafts



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