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SUBTRACTION The Subtle Art of Unleashing Boundless Innovation

Author Name: Sujith Ravindran, Fabio Salvadori, Elliot Leavy | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

Innovation has hit a deadlock. Business, economy, ecology, governance, society and our familiar way of life are reeling from the aftermath of this shortfall. Yet, we keep looking in the wrong places for new discoveries that can alter the arc of our personal, organizational and collective destiny. 

The time is ripe to humanize innovation. We must take an inside-out approach, starting from the very essence of our humanness to harness the immense potential that tools, methodologies, technologies and systems offer us.

The good news is that this can begin with each one of us. We are all innovators. Within each of us resides the capacity for boundless innovation. However, to unleash our infinite creative potential and take on the greatest challenges of our time, we must first undergo a radical expansion of consciousness, both at a personal and collective level. Using the timeless blueprint laid out in this book everyone can unleash their creative potential. By uncovering the faculties of innovation of the 5 layers of awareness, and by walking the nine steps of the Innovator's Journey, every individual or group will access the realm of innovation legends.



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Sujith Ravindran, Fabio Salvadori, Elliot Leavy

Sujith Ravindran is a contemporary mystic and a serial author. He helps leaders, institutions and movements in the social, political and business domains access unforeseen realms of awareness and fulfil their true reason for existence. He is the founder of the World Fellowship of Conscious Leaders through which he today brings over 40 years of scholarship in spiritual sciences to contemporary fields, for which he was awarded the honour of Ambassador of Peace in 2012 by the Council of Assissi, Italy. Sujith sees life as a prototype and likes to fiddle with all aspects of his day-to-day living. He loves hot peppers.

Fabio Salvadori is a coach who helps individuals, teams and organizations awaken their inner potential for innovation. He is a restless creative thinker who has spent twenty years in the tech industry, creating innovative services and products across different sectors, which earned him an Italian national award for innovation in 2007. His natural fascination for the elusive mechanics of human creativity pointed his exploration inward to find the spark that can make anyone an innovator. Fabio loves short poems, long conversations and dried mango.

Elliot Leavy is the former editor of the technology and innovation magazine MAIZE and editor of culture magazine BOZO. Through interviews and working with the likes of tech investors, CEOs, and Oxford academics, Elliot has a holistic understanding of the tech world today and tomorrow. He has also written for numerous publications across the globe focussing on politics, belief systems, and culture.



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