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The Lust of Life

Author Name: Sandeep Dahiya | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Plato: “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.” 

And as love caresses you, you are supposed to turn a poet. And your life a poem. A life lived poetically nourishes your soul. The prose approach to life is simply to earn the conveniences to support you materially.

The brushstrokes of poetry softly touch the soul without disrupting its restful muse and bring out the nuggets of love, compassion, harmony and peace. If you are poetic in nature, you have the potential to be anything because all these elaborate extensions of your life, your dreams, your professional and personal goals, your milestones, the world around you, all these and more are nothing but a reflection of that poetic pure seed. 



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Sandeep Dahiya

Sandeep Dahiya (Sufi) writes in different genres including fiction, non-fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry. Mr. Dahiya holds triple post-graduate degrees: Masters in English Literature; Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication; M.Sc. Ecology and Environment. He has a decade of editorial experience with reputed academic publishers. His books include: Footsteps Lost; Verses from the Land of Farmers’ Messiah; The Night Sun; Faceless Gods; Beyond and Beneath; A Half House; Chimp, Champ and Chops; Lost in Red Mist; Ice Cubes on Desert Sands; Love: The Ultimate Alchemy; The Wicked Googly; and Lazy Ways to Truth. Website:



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