How to Write a Story? A Definitive Guide

There is no one way to write a story. In fact, there are as many ways to write a story as there are stories themselves. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some tried and ...

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What is Plot? A Storytelling Guide for Writers

If you’re a writer, then you know that plot is essential. But what exactly is the plot? And how do you create one that will keep your readers engaged until the very end? In this article, ...

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What is Symbolism? Explanation with Examples

In literature, art, and other creative works, symbolism signifies the use of certain symbols to represent a deeper meaning. These symbols can be anything from characters and setting to colors and objects. Understanding symbolism and ...

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What are Literary Devices? Explanation with Examples

Literary devices are tools that writers use to create the desired effect in their writing. There are many different types of literary devices, and each one has its unique purpose. By understanding what these devices are ...

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What is an Epilogue? Explanation with Examples

What follows the ending of your book? At times, you may find that your ending needs to be accompanied by a concluding piece that offers closure- an epilogue. In this article, we will look at ...

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What is Proofreading and how you can do it?

Proofreading is the process of reviewing and correcting text for errors, typos, and inconsistencies. It is an important step in the editing process and can help to improve the overall quality of a document. Proofreading ...

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