reasons author need social media

9 Reasons Self-publishing Authors need Social Media

Social media has transformed our lifestyles to a great extent. Do you know that we, young adults, spend almost 4-5 hours on our smartphones? Writing, by itself, is a Herculean task; even if your creativity ...

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build author websites

Why and How to Build an Author’s Website?

These days, with more and more people being online, it is crucial for authors to have a good online presence. One of the key features that accentuates their online presence is an author website. Previously, ...

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Iconic book covers that inspired a generation

9 Iconic Book Covers That Inspired A Generation

Never judge a book by its cover. This is a well known and often preached about proverb. While we may or may not follow this for deeper aspects, most of us are guilty of judging ...

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T V series adapted from books

5 popular T.V series adapted from books

There is always a constant tussle between book lovers and telly watchers. You constantly hear the book lovers complaining how the book was better and how the show just ruined it for them. For which ...

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Indian authors with great social media presence (Infographic)

Social media has become a vital tool of communication and has revolutionized the way marketing is done. One of the biggest beneficiaries of this is authors. Authors are beginning to establish a strong social media ...

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Phrasing Dialogues

How to Write Scintillating Dialogues

'And what is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversation?' Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland When browsing through books, readers often try to see how much dialogue is present in it. If there ...

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