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8 Routes Different Way

Author Name: Bhumi Tatya | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

The Book “8 routes Different ways” has been authored by the 17 year old teen author F17.It has 8 different poems on Love genre and co-related to each other.



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Bhumi Tatya

The author is called Bhumi aka f17. If you’re reading this, I believe she’ll be quite thankful. This book is filled with love and emotions. If guys are nosy enough, she’s 17. Being honest you would wonder that how she wrote them or how would it be relatable to readers as she’s quit young. Well, it all goes back to her good listening and reading skills. That has shaped her to become who she is . She started writing randomly while it was raining and here, she is publishing her first ever book. Forgive her mistakes and hope you support her well guys. <3



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