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Beyond Rhyme & Rhythm Minutes to Myself

Author Name: Brindha Venkataramani | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

‘Beyond Rhyme & Rhythm’ is a collection of short poems written during a period of contemplation and reflection.

The book has been organized loosely into eight chapters to represent an Octave and therefore to signify the interconnectedness of music and life. An octave in music terminology represents the interval between one musical pitch and another with double or half its frequency. Similarly, this book has been arranged with some overlap between the chapters to weave in a continuity. Just as how the music is not in the notes but in the spaces between them, our life also resides in the spaces between our thoughts.

This is a sincere attempt to poetically point to the depths of life… be it the ‘Paradise’, the ‘Heaven’, ‘Love’ or ‘Liberation’, how each one is just a ‘Click away’. The poems explore the different dimensions of love, friendship and spirituality and how our thoughts, words and feelings make our journey uniquely us. Each of the poems is meant to have the reader pause and ponder over the depths of the knowns to unravel the unknowns.



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Brindha Venkataramani

Brindha Venkataramani, author of ‘Flight to Eternal Happiness’, ‘River meets the Ocean’, ‘Grok Your Life’ and ‘git the Gita’ is a software professional who lives in Singapore. Some of her works have found their place in leading publications like Open Skies Quarterly, Penmancy and Litterateur Rw. 

She has been blessed with two loving daughters. She is an ardent practitioner of yoga and meditation, a veena player and loves nature.  She has recently been writing on subjects related to happiness, knowing the Self, and well-being in general.



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