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Author Name: Sushmita Paul | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Little poems for Ekaaksh book is written at different times and stimulated by very different sentiments. I have written this book of poems to convey my feelings after being a mother. After having a baby, my world went upside-down. When I see little ekaaksh’s adorable movements since birth I couldn’t resist writing every detail I saw in him.
Now I want to share this so that new parents can connect with how strangely we all feel the same way after entering parenthood. It’s just a chaotic yet immensely beautiful phase of life. We all should be thankful if we have a little blessing at our home. Kids are like birds, their chirps make the house feel alive. Trust when someone says “don’t blink, time flies” they’re certainly not lying. So enjoy these little stars, feel your childhood again with them.



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Sushmita Paul

Sushmita Paul is a wife and a mother of a toddler boy. She obtained Master’s degree in English literature and political science. She also persuaded B.Ed. She has been a teacher. She was destined to write poems because since childhood she used to write poems about random topics that helped her to rhyme every sentence. Little poems for Ekaaksh is her first-ever creation to get published. She loves to teach little minds. In her spare time, she loves to hang out with family.



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