Author Spotlight: Dr. Mysore Ambashankar- Corporate Strategy and New Realities


Corporate Strategy and New RealitiesDr Mysore Ambashankar is the Dean and Director “ Academics of Gupta College of Management and Technology, Bangalore specializing in Corporate Strategy, Organizational Behavior and Marketing apart from other management subjects. He is an Engineering Professional and has to his credit PhD and DSc in Management and Organizational Psychology respectively. Has more than three decades of combined experience in Corporates and in Academia and this expertise helps students to understand complex concepts and applications with ease. Having published few hundred articles in academic journals and International Magazines, he is all set with his book on Corporate Strategy and New Realities. Lets hear from him about his book, experiences and much more

Tell us in brief about your book Corporate Strategy and new realities

This book gives you a much simpler and clear idea about corporate strategy which is coned to be a dynamic subject.

What do you feel is the USP of your book?

This book is written in a lucid manner that is reader friendly. It acts as an interface between the industry requirement and the output from the educational institutions with perspective to Future Strategists.

Who are your target audience and how do you feel this book is going make a change in their lives.

  • Graduating MBA/BE students.
  • Startups
  • Entrepreneurs/Practicing Managers

They will be prepared to face this volatile business environment and will not be taken by bogged down by the upheavals in the market. Proper strategies can reduce the risk of business failures.

How long have you been working on this manuscript.

More than 6 months.

Could you share some interesting incidents that you encountered on the course of building your manuscript?

Initially no one wanted to share their experiences fearing their peers in the organization. Few months of hardship, a handwritten manuscript was lost in transit and I was completely devastated. I had an appointment to interview a CEO who was supposed to talk to about Quality Work Life same time they were expecting an external system administrator to set right their computer that had failed in the weekend, he mistook me for the administrator and I was taken for task even before I could hand over my card to him, I enjoyed the whole episode but he was thoroughly embarrassed and benefit was, I got a very lengthy interview with lot of good inputs about QWL.

How did you make up your mind for self publishing?

Simple and straight, renowned publishers did not respond my requests that forced me to Self Publish.

Your views on the publishing process that you underwent at Notion Press.

Publishing Process was as good as a Morning Coffee, good, easy and people were forthcoming.

What do you think has been the advantages working with Notion Press.

Could finish the entire process at my pace, while someone else was doing my job of printing, publishing and bringing out the whole book as palatable as possible.

What is the reach of your book now?

Just began, should be talking to all Educational Institutions, my own business network and of course my own colleagues at various colleges.

What are your marketing strategies?

Promoting through social networks, colleges, personal presentations, meeting librarians, interacting with University Heads for inclusion in their syllabus as reference books and many more.

A small piece of advice to upcoming authors.

Only three simple mantras.

  • Keep language as simple as possible which will attract more audience/readers.
  • Let there be clarity in What you want to Say
  • Be in the shoes of a Reader!
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Aravind S

Aravind, works as a publishing mentor at Notion Press. His articles help aspiring writers realize their dream of becoming a published author. He has several years of experience in the publishing industry and has researched on digital media and the future of print-publishing. He is an active mentor for a community of writers to educate and guide them toward writing a book that sells.

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