Inderjit Kaur

Author Spotlight: Inderjit Kaur – Elements of Life

Inderjit Kaur is an author, inspirational guide with powerful voice of spreading positive quotes through her tweets and Blogs.
With a life changing epiphany from a poet at the very young age of 9 years, she remarked the page of writing as an editor of college magazine during her post-graduation in science, Mumbai University.

Writing being a passion made her perceptions changed forever, while being in adversities she launched her debut book Living a more meaningful life, which is now on all global platforms.

Considered as an positive and peace messenger through her tag line, Keep Smiling, Keep Shining, she has inspired thousands to make a positive choices that impacts not only their lives but also those of others through her positive quotes, her blogs and pages of A living series.

Inderjit Kaur a full time Writer, Blogger, Avid Reader with a great passion for Music too, Resides in Mumbai.

Briefly explain about your book.

Elements of life is an imminently inspirational read, which reflects the life philosophy using fire, water, earth ,air as metaphor for the progressive positive walk of life and hardships. The book interweaves positive influences over the trials and tribulations that we face on our path , focusing on the collective result that is entirely on the choices we make. Hence the responsibility to make a change lies in us to overcome past, live in now, and move ahead in confidence and in courage.

The book is categorized mainly into 2 parts for the readers ease, into Study and My Journal.

My journal has 10 simple affirmations for a positive approach in life with simple tools of affirmations in the end.

What do you feel is the USP of your book

I have two unique selling points which make the book really exclusive for one to grab a copy, one it has a Positive approach with motivational chapters with the key word LIFE, second it serves as a Self Help and Positive Living guide for the readers.

Who are your target audience and how do you feel this book is going make a change in their lives.

People of all Ages can take the best advantage of the simple positive key elements and make a progressive positive change to overcome the dark and gloomy outlook into a more radiant and confident walk of life.

How long have you been working on this manuscript.

I just thought for the subject and wrote sparingly but yes, Almost 7 to 8 months.

Could you share some interesting incidents that you encountered on the course of building your manuscript.

This book was written amidst of many adversities and for me, every day was an assessment and I just converted my thoughts into my Goals with a strong positive outlook and patience. Yes while uploading my final manuscript I faced some word format issues and Paul Hollis, The renowned author of The Hollow Man, devoted his precious time in drafting the final manuscript. Grateful always.

How did you make up your mind for self publishing?

I had made up my mind to stop crawling and take up a straight Walk and self publishing was one of my learning experiences. Yes I tried opting traditional track of publishing waited for some few months but eventually started tracking self publishing options and this is how my debut book was launched and I opted for more better option when finally I came crossed Notion Press which gave wings to my Dreams.

Your views on the publishing process that you underwent at Notion Press.

My experience with Notion Press makes me feel more positive as the entire process was made so easy and was always offered in step by step guidance which adds a star to the publication House.

The entire Team showed immense timely cooperation, the communication process was made ease when sometimes I missed the calls I was intimated via mails and it kept me feel pampered throughout the process.

The Quality Control and Professional approach with Yes ON Time Global Release Makes Notion Press Shine in the Row. Post Release guidance through marketing and social media setup is the best approached feature from the house that I do appreciate.

What do you think has been the advantages working with Notion Press?

As per my above answer NP Has added best services and advantage being no longer I need to seek any other place for my Global release including best Royalty Offers. And a Feel Home, environment as the House successfully makes me proud to say publish here sell everywhere.

What is the reach of your book now?

I can see my book on almost all the major platforms within the country and globally. So yes my book has reached Internationally.

What are your marketing strategies?

Reaching out larger circles of readers yes I indeed take best advantages of social media. Tweeting about my book, mentioning the links on face book, fan pages adding some excerpts on my blogs.

Spreading about the in-depth of book voice via tweets, blogs, G+, good reads, facebook fan pages getting reviews from authors are some of the ways I am opting

Further looking more options for book promotions via spreading the words links to my friends and extended circles.

A small piece of advice to upcoming authors.

Write the best making it first your favourite look into the mirror and isolate your strength that sets you apart from others. Work best on your subject, craft it into your best abilities that turn you unique that you are noticed and recommended to be read. Write from your heart as there is no particular way to write but make your manuscript best polished before the print. Edit, re edits, print, promotions, need time and Patience.

As my individual perception that I have for myself is that, My Autobiography will end with a line


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Aravind S

Aravind, works as a publishing mentor at Notion Press. His articles help aspiring writers realize their dream of becoming a published author. He has several years of experience in the publishing industry and has researched on digital media and the future of print-publishing. He is an active mentor for a community of writers to educate and guide them toward writing a book that sells.

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