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A Book of Feelings What I felt...

Author Name: Vidhi Raina | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

The book contains 15 poems. Poems are based on bemused thoughts of a girl. A girl who has experienced a lot in her life. She was not able to discern the grim reality of life. She started living in the dark. She has locked herself in the dark room where she started learning to enjoy being alone. She was getting used to it. Then, a time came, when she started realizing what is wrong and what is right. She learned to control her feelings and emotions. She started considering her as an immature soul who has become a child now who is wild in nature and knows nothing about the facts of life. She is a girl with full of dreams in her eyes, hopes in her heart and spark to quell the grim reality of life. She loves to be alone and she rejoices solitude. This book is completely based on a young and beautiful girl who has expressed her feelings full of pain and bemused thoughts. She describes the world in a very different manner as she considered Sun as the sign of hope and rain as the sign of peace. Eventually, she learned to keep the smile on her face and decided to spread the happiness to the world.



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Vidhi Raina

Vidhi Raina is a writer who holds a bunch of feelings inside her. She was born in 18th of September, 2000. She is a student of Literature who has decided to go forward in the field of writing. She always get influenced by the writing style of William Shakeapeare. She likes most of the poems of William Shakeapeare written on love and friendship. Her early poem is "Sometimes, Some Feelings" which is published in the book Lord of the Word 1. She wants to produce the finest work in English Literature before the last phase of her life. She has always been supported by her grand mother and comrade at the each phase of her life. She trains students in the communication skills from different walks of life. She is a writer who openly talks about problems and experiences of her life. According to her, poetry is something that is easeful and snug to write. Sensitivity is the strength of her poetry. 


