Chrysalis Banner

Notion Press Press Presents- Chrysalis: Hatch to Soar

Poetry is that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does. Writing poetry is a passion, ignited by thoughts, fuelled by ink. ...

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One Point Contact Banner

Notion Press Presents, One Point Contact, a Guide to Finding Your True Self

Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient spiritual philosophies and one of its broadest, based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India. Vedantic knowledge is universal (Founded on Sanatan Dharma – The Eternal ...

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NP Recommends Week #17 – Best of हिन्दी Poetry

कैसे हैं आप ? इस सप्ताह हमारे एन  पी  रेकऐंड्स  मैं हमारे एडिटरओं ने आपके लिए हंडी कविताओं की कुछ किताबें आपके लिए चुनी है जो हमारे ही स्वतन्त्र लेखकों  की रचनाए है। आप जल्द से ...

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Notion Press’ Latest unfolds an intense coincidental love story

A deep husky bass greeted her, “Hello”. “Gosh! What a voice!” her inner voice exclaimed. Haven’t we all felt such vibes when we come across The One in our lives? That’s exactly what she felt; she was ...

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NP Recommends Week #16 – The Tales of Life

How have you been? Looking for the best fiction novel? With so many new arrivals to choose from, it can feel almost impossible to choose the right book to read next. Whether it's the best ...

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Kalith : Tiyasa’s Malediction Banner

Notion Press Presents- Kalith: Tiyasa’s Malediction, Second Book In The Most Awaited Kalith Series

If you are one of those readers who has always enjoyed reading good fantasy fiction revolving around full-fledged superheroes like in the Marvel and DC comics, we have some good news for you! Notion Press, ...

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