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Unrushed Emotions

Author Name: Arjun Kumar Singh | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

The best way to put your ideas and thoughts into words is to write them down. Whether written consciously or unconsciously, poetry is an expression of the inner life of the poet. All conveyed in this volume are the writer's reflections and ideas derived from real-life characters and events. The poems and stanzas cover many emotions and experiences, from love for nature and people to elation and melancholy. This is the author's third go at captivating readers and getting them to open up about their feelings; poetry is a great way to do so.



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Arjun Kumar Singh

Arjun Kumar Singh is a promising writer and a passionate Grameen Banker. Originating from the city of Berhampur in Odisha, he now resides in Bhubaneswar. He deftly manages both his professional responsibilities and personal interests, with literature being his utmost focus. Amidst the lockdown, he had the notion of articulating his views via the medium of poetry and stanzas. During this distressing period, he conceived the notion of composing poetry and verses on different occurrences. The author has authored two volumes of poetry and has contributed to several anthologies. The writer's principal goal is to disseminate his views and poems to a vast audience of like-minded souls.



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